Foreclosure Prevention Counseling
MHANY Management, Inc. (MHANY) is a HUD approved counseling agency and works with the Center for NYC Neighborhoods. MHANY works with mortgage servicers to reduce delinquency rates, obtain mortgage modifications and prevent foreclosures. Housing counselors work effectively with distressed homeowners through partnerships with major lenders and servicers and successfully negotiate positive outcomes.
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Program Components
Covid-19 Update: We continue to receive referrals from the Center for New York City Neighborhoods, homeowners who have been affected by Covid-19, lost income from employment, loss of rental income or loss of contributions from family members who were affected also. We are providing information on mortgage relief and guidance with respect to tenants and no-eviction during this time. We will continue to follow-up with homeowners to start a thorough counseling and assessment to help you keep their home.
Mortgage Delinquency Counselors
MHANY HUD certified housing counselors work with distressed borrowers, reviewing household incomes, debts, savings, and expenses. The counselors determine the problems and constructs an action plan with the borrower to bring them to financial stability. Counselors submit proposals to servicers/lenders and negotiate on behalf of borrowers for modifications or work-outs.
Mortgage Servicer Network
MHANY is working with over 30 mortgage servicing companies for expedited resolutions for borrowers. Each servicer has appointed a senior staff person, who works directly with MHANY housing counselors on cases. Prime and subprime servicers participate.
Trusted Advisor
MHANY has a reputation for assisting low income and minority borrowers. Sometimes, borrowers are nervous talking to their servicer because they do not know their options. Sometimes, borrowers are more candid with a housing counselor than they might be with a representative from the servicing company. Housing counselors are trained to be sympathetic listeners who are solution focused.
Standardized Procedures
MHANY and its lenders and servicers have developed a standard client authorization process. Once the homeowner gives MHANY permission to discuss their situation with lender or servicer, the counselor can advocate directly on behalf of the homeowner.
Ongoing Programs for Distressed Borrowers
Where lenders and servicers have the capacity to track and report individual loan performance, MHANY continues to provide counseling for any homeowner who falls behind. Participating homeowners give written permission to the servicer to release this information to MHANY. MHANY housing counselors work with distressed borrowers to stabilize their financial situation.
Difficult to Reach Home Owners
MHANY, through relationships with other community based organizations including New York Communities for Change (NYCC) offers door to door outreach services to connect to homeowners who may have become discouraged in their attempts to achieve mortgage modifications and housing stability. NYCC community organizers visit homes and encourage homeowners to contact MHANY to get HUD approved counseling services.
Language Capacity
MHANY has several housing counselors who are fluent in Spanish.
Program Availability
MHANY housing seminars and customized counseling are offered at our main office and at several locations throughout the five boroughs and New York.
Housing Choice
Housing Choice: HPD’s Mobility Counseling Program (Housing Choice) is a mobility counseling program administered by the City of New York’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD). HPD is working with MHANY to offer Home Improvement Grants on behalf of program participants. learn more
Foreclosure Prevention Workshop
Check back for upcoming workshops!
Please note:
The webinar is limited to 50 participants
The webinar registration will be approved on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Once you have registered, you will receive an email confirmation with information about joining the webinar.
Please contact us by:
PHONE: 718-246-8080 ext. 239
FAX: 718-246-7938