Covid Rent Relief
Emergency Rent Relief - HCR's COVID Rent Relief Extension Program
NYS Homes and Community Renewal’s COVID Rent Relief Extension Program will provide eligible households with a one-time rental subsidy that will be sent directly to the household’s landlord. Applicants will not need to repay this assistance.
HCR has extended the deadline for applications to the COVID Rent Relief Program to February 1, 2021
To Apply or For More Information:
Visit HRCs website at https://hcr.ny.gov/news/nys-homes-and-community-renewal-announces-expansion-covid-rent-relief-program-through-february
Please note:
If an application has already been submitted, it will be reevaluated according to the new criteria. There is no need for a resident to submit another application.
Managers & applicants can contact HCR’s COVID Rent Relief Extension Program Call Center for assistance at 1-833-499-0318 or covidrentrelief@hcr.ny.gov. Call Center representatives are available Monday through Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm.